The first battle into Islam


Al-Abwa' was the first foray into Islam

The Battle of Al-Abwa is the first battle that the Messenger of God himself invaded, and it took place twelve months after his migration. As the successor to the city was Saad bin Ubadah - may God be pleased with him - and gave the banner of the invasion to Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib - may God be pleased with him - and there was no one in the army except the immigrants, and he went out to intercept a caravan for the Quraish until he reached Wadan, wanting from that Quraysh and Banu Damra, and when he arrived Al-Abwa did not plot a plot from them, and the fighting did not take place

The battle ended with the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - sign a treaty with the Banu Damra, who were led by Amr bin Makhshi al-Damari, in which the Messenger of God made them safe for themselves and their money, and that they had the victory so long as they did not fight the religion of Muhammad, and they had to support the Messenger of God if he called them to do so.

Badr was the first expedition to fight the polytheists

The Messenger of God wanted to strike the economic and military forces of Quraysh, and raise the morale and military spirit of the Muslims, so he heard that Quraysh had brought out a camel of its own that it had taken from the Muslims, and carried in it all the money it owned until there was nothing left in Mecca of its possessions without putting it on this camel, so the Messenger of God came out -may God’s prayers and peace be upon him- objected to this caravan with three hundred and thirteen men from the Emigrants and the Ansar, and that was in the month of Ramadan.

The Battle of Badr ended and left many consequences as it comes. The strength of the Muslims increased and their strength became stronger, and everyone who wanted to invade Madinah thought before taking action, and calculated the defeat that would come to him and the losses that would fall on him. The hearts of the polytheists among the people of Mecca grieved for what befell them of the captives and the dead, so there was no house left in Makkah al-Mukarramah that did not contain a captive, or a dead person, or both. 

Tabuk, the last battle of the Prophet

The Battle of Tabuk took place in the ninth year of the Hijrah, and its reason is due to what the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - heard about that the Romans had gathered their armies in order to conquer Medina, and people were living at that time in difficult conditions of barren lands and intense heat, so that army was called As a result, the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was left behind by a large number of hypocrites.

The results of the Battle of Tabuk were great and had an impact that spanned decades. As the real enemy of the Muslims became known during this battle, the Romans. Those who did not let the Islamic call make its way unless they were an obstacle to it, but the Muslims defeated them three years after Tabuk, and this conquest marked the beginning of Islamic-Christian relations and the spread of Islam in Europe.

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