How did math help the emperor of China to have sex with 121 women in 15 nights?


From calculating time to navigating the seas, mathematics was the main focus of ancient civilizations.
Our journey to explore mathematics throughout history began from Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece, but after the decline of civilizations in these areas, the progress of mathematics in the West stopped.
But despite this, mathematics will reach new levels in the East.
In ancient China, mathematics was key to making the calculations needed to build the Great Wall of China, which stretched thousands of miles across the land.

The numbers were so important in China that they played a vital role in managing the affairs of the imperial court.

Mathematical schematic of love

Calendar and monitoring of the movement of the planets played a large role in all the decisions of the Emperor, even the way he thought and planned for his days and nights.

And the ancient advisors of the emperor prepared a system that ensured that he could enjoy all his nights and make love with such a large number of women.

This system was based on a mathematical idea called the geometric progression. Legend says that in just 15 nights, the emperor had intercourse with 121 women, in the following order:
The Empress on the first night, then three of his companions, then nine wives, then 27 concubines, and finally 81 concubines.

The number of each group of women is multiplied by 3, in a geometric sequence, starting with a lady (the Empress), then three women the next night after multiplying the number by three, then nine women on the third day, and so on.

With this calculation, mathematicians ensured that the emperor had intercourse with each of his harems in just 15 days.

Emperor's Stamina

The first night has been reserved for the Empress. The second night was for the highest and most important of the three women accompanying the emperor. Then his nine wives came next, and then 27 concubines were chosen in turns, nine concubines each night.

Then finally, it was the turn of the maidservants, and during nine nights, 81 maidservants were selected, and they were divided into groups, each one comprising nine maidservants.

This precise table ensures that the emperor intercourse with higher-ranking women when the moon approaches perfection, when the natural female strength known in Chinese civilization as yin is at its highest, and the emperor's masculine power known as yang is at its zenith.
Being a ruler requires him to have strength and stamina, and the goal of this schedule is clear, to get the best heir to the empire.

The imperial court was not the only one that relied on mathematics, but it played a central role in managing the affairs of the state.

math magic

Ancient China was a vast, sprawling, and prosperous empire, with a strict legal system, a comprehensive tax policy, and a standardized system of weights, measures, and money.

China was using a decimal system a thousand years before it was used in the West, and the Chinese succeeded in solving equations in ways that did not appear in the West until the beginning of the nineteenth century.

According to legend, the first ruler of China, the Yellow Emperor, was one of the gods who created mathematics in 2800 BC, believing that numbers held cosmic significance.
To this day, the Chinese still believe in the spiritual power of numbers.

Odd numbers are seen as male, and even numbers symbolize female. The number four must be avoided at all costs. While the number eight brings good luck.

The ancient Chinese were attracted to number patterns (number arrangement), and developed their own early version of the popular game of Sudoku.

By the 6th century AD, the Chinese "rest" theory was used in ancient Chinese astronomy to measure planetary motion, and to this day it still has many practical uses, including, for example, cryptography over the Internet.

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