Search for Amr Ibn Al-Aas


The name of Amr ibn al-Aas, his nickname and lineage

He is Amr bin Al-Aas bin Wael bin Hashem bin Saeed bin Sahem bin Amr bin Husays bin Kaab bin Louay bin Ghalib, and his mother is the brilliant bint Khuzaymah, nicknamed Abu Muhammad. immersion;

It should be noted that he was - may God be pleased with him - the conqueror of Egypt, and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab appointed him as the first ruler over it.

The birth of Amr Ibn Al-Aas

Amr ibn al-Aas - may God be pleased with him - grew up in a tribe of high lineage. The Bani Sahem tribe had a high social influence in Mecca, where it was in charge of separating disputes, pleadings, and quarry money, and not only that, but his father had a prominent position among the sons of his tribe. As was indicated earlier, and this would make him - may God be pleased with him - with an outstanding personality

In addition, he was well-versed in reading, writing and speaking poetry, as he was famous for his eloquence and fluency, and what indicates his high lineage is that he was a son-in-law from Banu Saham, where he married Rita bint Munabbih bin Al-Hajjaj Al-Sahmiyah, and his second marriage was to the sister of Othman bin Affan. May God be pleased with him - and as for his third marriage, he was from the origins of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him -

The Islam of Amr Ibn Al-Aas

Amr ibn al-Aas - may God be pleased with him - embraced Islam at the age of fifty-seven, and thus he lived for twenty years hostile to Islam and Muslims, and it is worth mentioning the reasons for this delay, including the following: * Envy and insistence on stubbornness and disbelief. * The inability to leave the religion of parents and grandparents, despite the wisdom of his mind, which made him realize with certainty the sincerity of the Messenger of God and the sincerity of his call. As for the reason for his conversion to Islam - may God be pleased with him - he had advised some of the Quraysh men after the Battle of Al-Ahzab to go to the Negus and stay with him. And when they reached the Negus and wanted to enter it, they saw Amr ibn Umayyah - may God be pleased with him - leaving him where the Messenger of God had sent him to him. Amr Ibn Al-Aas resolved to enter upon the Negus, and to ask him to enable him to take Amr Ibn Umayyah and kill him, after he was told that Amr Ibn Umayyah is a messenger to his enemy, so he requested that, but the Negus became angry and did not agree with his opinion, for he could not kill the messenger of a man who came to him The greatest law, meaning the revelation, as it was revealed to Moses - peace be upon him - and told him that the religion of Muhammad will rise and appear because it is the religion of truth.

Amr ibn al-Aas’s congenital traits and appearance

Amr ibn al-Aas - may God be pleased with him - was short in stature, broad in shoulders, wide eyes*, well-brushed eyebrows*, his beard was thick and large, his mouth was wide, his forehead was prominent, his palms were large, as were his feet.

Moral traits of Amr ibn al-Aas

Generosity of Amr bin Al-Aas Amr bin Al-Aas - may God be pleased with him - was a generous horse, and there are many situations that testify to him, including when death approached him, he called his guards to come to him and asked them about his condition with them, and they only said about his good treatment of them and his presence And his generosity with them. The dream of Amr Ibn Al-Aas and his wisdom To get away from each other, and to go out to the mountains. And he - may God be pleased with him - was known for his wisdom, and what shows that when he was in Medina, the people were frightened by a strange sound they heard, and they dispersed, so he hurried - may God be pleased with him - to the mosque holding his sword, and he stood next to Salem, the mawla of Abu Hudhaifah, ready, the Prophet saw them and described them as believers. Amr ibn al-Aas, may God be pleased with him, was characterized by modesty. He asked his sons, when death approached him, to tighten his veil over him when shrouding him, as he was known - may God be pleased with him - with his piety and justice, especially when he was the ruler of Egypt. He granted the Copts religious freedom, which they were denied, and assisted them in financial and administrative reforms, and brought back the leader Benjamin from his exile. Amr Ibn Al-Aas’s Courage and Jihad And he took part in many battles, such as the Battle of Al-Silsil, the conquest of Mecca, and the Battle of Hunayn.

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