Information about the Roman civilization


The origin of the Romans

 The origin of the Romans goes back to a small village located in central Italy beside the Tiber River, the Romans first appeared in the eighth century BC, and Roman legends indicate that the foundation of this empire was at the hands of Romulus and his brother Remus, and the legend says that Romulus and his brother Remus were two lost children living From the milk of a wolf, a shepherd found them beside the Tiber River, so they grew up on strength and intelligence and built the city of Rome in the place where the shepherd found them, then the city of Rome became the cradle of the Roman Empire, and this article will shed light on the history of Roman civilization from several aspects

The history of the Roman civilization

In talking about the history of the Roman civilization, it can be said that the Roman civilization, or what is known as the civilization of ancient Rome, is one of the most important civilizations in the history of Europe in particular and the history of mankind in general. It was known in the history of the Roman civilization that this civilization took full control of the Italian peninsula in 275 BC, then the ancient Romans were able to build an empire of the greatest empires in history, as this empire extended to include Spain or what was known as the Iberian Peninsula, and the empire included Roman also lands along the coast of North Africa, and included large areas of southern Asia.

After the establishment of the Roman Empire, it lived two centuries of stability and calm, and that period was called the name of Roman peace, then the Byzantine Empire reached its maximum extent during the reign of Emperor Trajan, who ruled between 98 and 117 AD, then it faced some problems during times of decline during the rule of Commodus, then it was subjected to This crisis threatened the existence of the entire Roman Empire, and then it stabilized again during the reign of Aurelian and Diocletian, and in the fourth century the Christian religion spread in the Roman authority, and during the same period the migration of Germanic peoples to the lands of the Western Roman Empire increased, and then in 476 AD it was deposed Romulus Augustulus and the formal abolition of the Western Roman Empire, to continue the Eastern Roman Empire, which was known as the Byzantine Empire, which lasted nearly a thousand years until the fall of its capital, Constantinople, in 1453 AD by the Ottomans.

roman architecture

After talking about the history of the Roman civilization, one of the most important features of this civilization is the distinctive architecture in which it was. The Romans inherited architecture and construction from the ancient Greeks, they took sculpture and decoration from them and increased and developed it, and the architecture spread in Rome spread throughout the Roman Empire, Despite the spread of Roman art throughout the empire in a dictatorial manner, some temples and churches differed in the way they were built and their shape from the buildings of Rome due to the different climatic conditions that forced it to this difference, and this difference appears in the Roman temples in Syria, which were built by the Romans in the period when They took control of the Levant.

Perhaps the most prominent architectural masterpiece in which the Romans differ from the Greeks in architecture is the Temple of Fortina Virlis in ancient Rome. More than her interest in religious buildings such as churches and temples, she was more interested in public buildings than private ones, and the Romans also built runways, theaters and cities, and all this is evidence of the greatness of Roman architecture whose architectural masterpieces are still present today.

The division of the Roman Empire

To continue talking about the history of the Roman civilization, the Roman Empire was divided in its history into two parts: the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire, and the city of Rome was the capital of the Western Empire, and Constantinople was the capital of the Eastern, and the Roman Empire was divided into two parts with Emperor Constantine who moved his capital From Rome to Constantinople, the Western Roman Empire included Italy, France, Spain, England and some areas in Africa such as northern Tunisia, Algeria and Marrakesh, and the Eastern Empire included Asia Minor, the Levant, Egypt and Libya, and the people of this empire spoke the Greek language and this people was known as the Byzantines

There is no doubt that this division led to the weakness of the Roman Empire, as the ambitions of the enemies of the Western Roman Empire in Western Europe, specifically in Gaul and Germany, and the ambitions of the enemies of the Eastern Roman Empire such as the Persian Empire, and eventually the Eastern Roman Empire continued more than the continuation of the Western Roman Empire After its rulers managed to build a military and political power that enabled it to last a thousand years after its founding.

The fall of the Roman civilization

In conclusion of the talk about the history of the Roman civilization, every state, civilization or empire must have its absence and decline, and the Roman Empire was not far from this law at all, so many factors united to bring about the fall of this great empire, the most prominent of these factors was the barbarian invasion that was from The main reasons for the weakness and collapse of the Roman Empire; Where this invasion inflicted the Romans heavy military losses, and also contributed to economic problems in the fall of Roman civilization; The massive spending on foreign wars led to Rome’s entry into a stifling economic crisis and administrative corruption with ominous consequences, in addition to the great expansion of the empire, which raised its material needs to maintain the security and stability of these vast areas that fell under the authority of the Romans, in addition to the strength of the Roman army, which made other armies You want to destroy the legend of this terrific army.

After the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern, the Eastern Empire lasted for a thousand years, according to historians as a continuation of the Roman civilization, and other historians called it the Byzantine civilization to separate it from the Romans, but the reality indicates that this civilization is part of the history of Roman civilization and a section that cannot be completely separated from the ancient Roman civilization

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